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Best Wiki Award

May 2005



Created By [FireGypsy]

This is a Wiki dedicated to the truth about real Vampires in the world today.

Though they are not like the myths and faery tales you have heard, there are, in fact, real Vampires out there.

Vampires, in myths and tales, are immortal, bloodthirsty creatures who stalk and kill humans and drink their blood to obtain the energy they need to stay alive. For centuries, literature and movies have portrayed vampires as such. Oh the other hand, real Vampires are not like that at all. There are even some Vampires that choose to spell it "Vampyre" and with using the alternative spelling hope to differentiate themselves from the mythical Vampires.

Real Vampires are not immortal. They are not allergic to sunlight, silver, or garlic, or holy objects and a steak through the heart will kill anyone. Actually, a lot of vampires are Christian, so religion has nothing to do with vampirism. To get rid of the confusion, Vampires are completely human, except for a few traits. They tend to heal faster than humans and they need extra energy from a source other than food. Now when i say "need" i do not mean if they dont get this extra energy that they will die.

Also, Vampirism is not a religion. A religion is a chosen lifestyle based on a certain God and certain beliefs on that god. Vampires are born Vampires wether they like it or not. There is no choice in the matter. Vampires have no God they worship, and that includes satan (since a lot of people like to call us satanists).

There are a few kinds of vampires.

Sanguine Vampires. This is the most known type of Vampire. When most people hear the word Vampire they think bloodsucker right? Well its true. Sanguine Vampires are the kind that drink blood. Unlike the myths, they dont stalk humans and kill them. They have specific human donors who are completely willing to what goes on between the Vampire and them.

Psychic (Psy) Vampires. A person who preys on the life energies of others. They are the type which have the ability to manipulate energy. Some Psy Vampires dont even know what they are or what they do. They tend to steal the energy around them without knowing it. When the awakening process occurrs with a Psy Vampires, he/she will start to notice that he/she is doing such.

There are several methods a Psychic Vampire can use to gain energy. There are Emotional Vampires that use attention getting behaviors to get people's attention on them emotionally and draining the emotional energy. There are Sexual Vampires whcih feed directly upon the sexual energy created by their partners during sex. There are Pranic Vampires which feed directly on human vital energy. They will pull the energy to them from accross a room or they may drain it with a touch.

Whichever one a Vampire has traits for, its all for the same purpose. Its all to gain extra energy for themselves. Wether they feel their bodies do not create enough energy or they feel they have a high spiritual metabolism and their body uses energy faster then their bodies can produce it. Every Vampire is different. Therefore every Vampire will have different traits and symptoms along with abilities.

Vampires live by a certain code. Its called "The Black Veil". Any vampire who knows his/her community well knows this code.


The Black Veil was composed by Father Sebastian Todd in 1998 and revised by Michelle Belanger of House Kheperu In 2000 and again in 2003. The Black Veil as it stands now is purely a set of guidelines and moral suggestions.


Respect yourself and present yourself so that others also respect you. Take care in who you reveal yourself to. Explain what you are, not to shock, but to teach and to inform. Do not flaunt what you are, and know that whether you want them to or not, your actions will reflect upon the rest of the community.
 Share your nature only with those with the wisdom to understand and accept it, and learn to recognize these people.


Among us, there are many different practices and many points of view. No single one of us has all the answers to who and what we are. Respect each person's individual choices and beliefs. Learn about them and share what you know. Our diversity is our strength, and we should not allow misunderstanding to weaken our community.
 Find the path that is right for you and uphold this freedom for others.


Do not allow your darkness to consume you. You are more than just your hunger, and you can exercise conscious control. Do not be reckless. Always act with a mind toward safety. Never feed because you think this makes you powerful; feed because this is what you must do.

Be true to your nature, but never use it as an excuse to endanger those around you.


Give respect to those who have earned it. Anyone can claim a title, but a true leader will prove him or herself through dedication, hard work, and great deeds. Even so, leaders should be guides and not dictators. Look to them as examples, but always decide for yourself what you must do.

Respect the person, not the position, and understand that your choices are always your own.


Know that there are repercussions to every action, and that you alone are responsible for your decisions. Educate yourself about risky behaviors, then always act with wisdom and common sense. Do not allow others to abuse you, but also, do not selfishly abuse.


Feeding should occur between consenting adults. Allow donors to make an informed decision before they give of themselves to you. Do not take rapaciously from others, but seek to have an exchange that is pleasant and beneficial for all.

Respect the life that you feed upon and do not abuse those who provide for you.


Reach out to others in your community. Exchange ideas, information, and support. Be hospitable to others, and appreciate hospitality when it is extended to you. Do not engage in illegal activity, for this can endanger us all.

Seek to nurture our community and support all those who do the same.

That is all I, myself, can teach you. Here is a list of sites which deal with real Vampires in the world today.

^real vampires members^ Come here to join this wiki.
^Banners^ To put in your house and show support or to post ones you have made.
^Questions^ For those of you who have questions and would like answers.
Ive started an RPG for this wiki. Just go to ^Real RPG^ and read the instructions.

Sasha's Wikis
Other wikis I have made.

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2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: i do that anyways fixing wikis after a-holes delete them...(>_<)

2005-05-18 [Whim]: well, the council may recognize you and sunrose watches the council page, so if you got a good response from the council, you'd probably get some recognition from sunrose.

2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: unless you are me...(^_^)

2005-05-18 [Whim]: yeah, but you pissed off sunrose...hehe. Changes things.

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: I sent her (Sunrose) a message. I guess now I will just have to wait. At least she let you back on RD, I missed you terribly along wid tonz of other people.

2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: woot! well, some people did....i was told today "can the sarcasm" in class...i said "please, i always use fresh sarcasm, never canned."...i got yelled at...(^_^)

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: LMAO! I bet the teahcer thought you were a real smart ass.

2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: it was a sub...(^_^) the class just rolled their eyes because they have me in class every day! (^_^)

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: Lolol.

2005-05-18 [Whim]: I usually laugh at my students alot when I sub.

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: I would hate subbing, I would rather be a full teacher

2005-05-18 [Whim]: subs just have to sit on their ass. Teachers have to actually teach...hehe.

2005-05-18 [Solitiaum]: OMG I cant imagine Brett as a sub... x.o;

2005-05-18 [Whim]: I'm a badass sub.

2005-05-18 [Solitiaum]: XD And when you said that, the first image in my mind was you in minimal clothing with a collar on XD

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: Im sure you are. During classes do you log on to EP when your bored? I do, especially in Spanish 2

2005-05-18 [Whim]: hehe...I do sometimes, but I usually just turn on CNN and watch the news.

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: CNN is the best! But they got rid of Paul Bunion or whatever his name was.

2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: i like Fox News

2005-05-18 [Whim]: all they have is CNN at school cause the cable is mostly blocked out.

2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: hmmm...really? we have fox...i watch it in lunch

2005-05-18 [Whim]: yeah, I don't care which is on cause I don't pay much attention to the politics anyway and when I do, I can usually tell what the truth really is if I think they're being at all biased.

2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: it's always biased...but i still watch it. my teachers want me to be a

2005-05-18 [Whim]: my parents want me to be a writer/teacher/psychologist/computer technician/and probably a lot of other stuff too.

2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: my dad gave up on me...says i'm a failur and will do nothing with my life...*shrugs* he's still pissed about me not being a boy

2005-05-18 [Whim]: start wearing a strap-on.

2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: *sighs*

2005-05-18 [Amalaswinta]: XD

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: LMAO! Anyways, does anyone know what this "Quran Story" is about because I don't.

2005-05-18 [Whim]: What Quran Story?

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: Look on MSNBC News, it's all over.

2005-05-19 [iCh3wi]: Where did everyone go??

2005-05-19 [FireGypsy]: *hides behind a wall* i have no idea......

2005-05-19 [iCh3wi]: *flies back to perch on gravestone* Neither do I

2005-05-20 [Katherine]: my computors at school have banned elftown and elfpack, which is a big fuck.

2005-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: mine have don't it?

2005-05-21 [Whim]: my school doesn't cause I don't tell people about it...hehehe. Of course, my school isn't a school I actually attend and the other people are teachers or students, which I am not, so I have no peers to share with...hehe.

2005-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: my school, if a website gets too many hits, it will automatically block, after going to EP for, well, about a week, it was suddenly blocked....(>_<)

2005-05-21 [Whim]: there's no way it does that. It would auto block educational sites too.

2005-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: it does block them..........actually, most classes can't get to the websites we need. the teacher has to go to the school people and request a sight be taken off the block list. it's soooo annoying! i couldn't do my helth project because i had no internet at home and 1/2 the sites i needed were bloody blocked!

2005-05-21 [Whim]: that's stupid. You have a lazy ass tech department.

2005-05-21 [Whim]: why even have the internet at all if their gonna do that?

2005-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: my scholl sucks that's know, i looked up "jesus" and most of the sites were banned because of "pornography" when i KNOW the sites have nothing of the sort on them because i have viseted them before.....and there are sites that are banned for "jokes" or "swimsuits"...the reasons they give the banned websites are so retarded! EP was banned for "pornography" and "forums"...*sighs*

2005-05-21 [Whim]: well...truthfully, EP does have pornography and Actually, EP truthfully has no place in schools.

2005-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: i know that...but JESUS is not porn!!! (>_<) but oddly enough, i can still log into from school...(>_>)

2005-05-21 [Whim]: yes, I know, so it's just stupid the way they do that. And yeah, vampirefreaks probably needs to be blocked just as much, if not more so, than EP.

2005-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: evil BESS!!!! grrrr!!!

2005-05-21 [Whim]: it's complete laziness on the part of the anyone in charge of keeping the internet going there. There's simply no excuse for that, other than incompetence.

2005-05-21 [Amalaswinta]: YEY! I'm nominated for the Artist Award! go on, vote!! lol

2005-05-21 [Whim]: I'm nominated for Storyteller Award. Vote for me really hard.

2005-05-21 [Amalaswinta]: just did :-)

2005-05-21 [Whim]: I should have no less than 70 votes by now. The vampires aren't voting for me like they should.

2005-05-21 [Amalaswinta]: well, so far I got 7 out of 20 votes... not bad ;-)

2005-05-21 [Whim]: I'm 52 votes behind. How did that happen?

2005-05-22 [FireGypsy]: im nominated for nothing because i suck =Þ Actually i havent even looked. I dont think i can even participate since my wiki won on the last one. So i think im booted out of all of them. Which kinda sucks because my wiki has nothing to do with me personally lol.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: you just can't run in the same comp. as before, like, if you win "cutest girl" you can run for that again, but you can run for "best wiki" or "cutest pet" if you like

2005-05-22 [Whim]: I'm running for best storyteller. Vote for me now cause I'm better than everyone else--all two opponents.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i'm not voting in that catigory

2005-05-22 [Whim]: bad memories?

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: what? no...i won that one hands down when i was in, 19 votes to 3 or something sick like that...i just don't like any of the nominations so i'm just not voting...

2005-05-22 [Whim]: It's attitudes like yours that have this country going downhill like it is. When people don't vote, they're neglecting their duty as citizens to make their voice heard. I am personally appalled that you would carelessly ignore your responsibility as a citizen. You hate america, don't you? You make me sick.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: actually, ever hear of a "throw away vote"? when misinformed people, or people who have no opinion, just vote randomly? for every vote like that they cancel out a legitimate vote...i am going the community a favor by not throwing away 2 votes by voting on a wiki i have no opinion of. That is my American opinion. Stupid people shouldn’t vote so they don’t cancel out MY vote, one which I looked into carefully.

2005-05-22 [Whim]: well the poll asks who the best storytelller of the three is. It doesn't ask if you like any of them or not. It's your duty as a citizen to look into these candidates and decide who is best suited in your opinion to lead the nation.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i don't feel like reading your crap actually...nore the entries of the, i will not vote because i simply do not know of the 3 which is least horrible

2005-05-22 [Whim]: How do you know it's crap if you refuse to read it? If you'd like my opinion on why you won MANY of your awards in the first EP Awards, I'd be happy to give it to you...hehe. Ironically, it had a lot to do with what some might call "throw away votes".

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i know alot of my votes were just because my friends voted for me, but also, keep in mind, most of my friends have read my story...*shrugs* as for the other catigories...i never expected to win any but maybe the cutest pet and the wiki, i take the other wins as luck....and a few nice friends who voted

2005-05-22 [Whim]: maybe they did read your story...but did they read the OTHER stories? Either way, you've yet to explain why you assume me, dwemer, and coconuts are crappy writers when you haven't read our stories.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i assume the worst until proven otherwise...that goes for everything i do/think....and yes, i did tell my friends that were voting to at least read the others...they said they sucked...i didn't bother reading them since they were poetry and i do not like poetry, and just took their word on it......

2005-05-22 [Whim]: They're your friends--of course they're gonna say your work is And that's a stupid way of looking at art--assuming it's bad before you see it. What's worse is that not only do you think that way, but you also have no intention of giving these stories a chance to prove themselves otherwise.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: no...i have friends that don't like my story...they tell me they don't...*shrugs* and i don't have the time, nor the motivation to read them...i am a highly selective reader, i have very specific taste in what i read, so, looking at the 3 options, i wouldn't like them due to there lack of interest to me...i can't give them more than a chance than that.......and as for art, my opinion of "art" is 99.9% of all art is shit anyways

2005-05-22 [Whim]: You don't deserve to have an opinion of art. You assume too much and then act like you know art just because you've gotten a few people to praise you.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i hate my art too...i study art, i have my opinions on what "art" is...and even so, i do not like most of the "art" i see....even if i consider it "art" i don't have to like it...

2005-05-22 [Whim]: but you don't give art a chance. You assume you hate it before you even try it. Maybe you'll hate it even after you try it, but when you don't give something a chance, who are you to call it crap?

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: no, i don't assume i will hate it, i assume it sucks...there is a differance...i can think something sucks without haitng it you know....and i do give art a chace...when it is "art"....writing is not something i consider "art" i said, writing has to interest me, poetry and most generas of books don't so therefore i couldn't read them anyways....all this the reason why the writters award is the only one i did NOT vote for

2005-05-22 [Whim]: if you think it sucks, then you at least don't like it. If you like it, then it doesn't suck. And you don't know that you won't like a story based solely on the genre. Maybe mine or dwemer's or coconuts stories defy genres and bring something completely different that you're not expecting to the table. It's not like you don't have the time to read them. You're just too lazy too do so--of course, you're too lazy to do a lot of things, it seems...hehe.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i like things that i think "suck" stop assuming so much....actually, i *don't* have the time to read them (i already ready 5 different books at the moment while currently editing my own story) to be bothered reading stories by ammeters with little promise and of genres i don't *typically* like...

2005-05-22 [Whim]: no, if you like it, then it's probably enjoyable, and if it's enjoyable, then it's accomplished what it set out to do, so it does not suck. And little promise, my ass. What are you doing to become more than an amatuer? Oh yeah...nothing. You're just gonna write your 55 chapter book and then sit on it cause you're too depressed and pathetic to get your ass off of it and get it published.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: 58 chapters actually. i finished it a few hours ago...and no, i'm not getting published because i don't *want*'s too much grief for too little of a reward...none of you hold any more promise than i….just more false dreams. and as for sucks and liking...take movies for example...there are some movies that suck so bad they are sold for 4 dollars in the bargain bin at walmart, but i love them...i still think they suck, but i like them...

2005-05-22 [Whim]: So who's got more promise then? The person who wants to take the time to get their work well known and out there, or the person who wants to keep it hidden away? I'd say I have more promise as a writer than you, considering I'm willing to actually try to become one. Skill level is secondary. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that my story is better than your's. I don't know which is better, to be honest. I do know, however, that I can't seem to be able to read your story for more than a few lines at a time without zoning out. And I do know that those who have read my story usually come back to me laughing or wanting to know what happens next.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i have yet to met someone who "zones out' while reading my work, so you are the first, and your opinions mean nothing to me anyways, so what you have to say about my writing, good or bad, i couldn't care less about...and *are* you striving to be published? if so, i won't wish you luck. i have looked into it, and turned down offers. it's a hard thing to do, and it's NOT worth the trouble.....i'm happy with my work viewable online where i can continue to edit it, and work on it, and talk causally to my readers. what more do i need?

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: ......................*watches silently*......................

2005-05-22 [Whim]: It's worth the trouble when you get successful. And publishing books is secondary to me. I'd like to be an editorial writer if I do become one. And as I said, I'm not saying mine's better. I'm just saying I zoned out and couldn't get through it. Too much detail. Reminded me too much of Jane Eyre. But yeah, I can get published easy. It's not that hard to do, actually. Writing is the hard part.

2005-05-22 [Whim]: I'd personally like to get my work out there on a much larger scale and then have a website where my MANY readers can come casually talk to me. Kevin Smith does it...hehe.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i'm no good at editorials, though i have written my fairshare of them....i wirte because it's something to do...a hobby, nothing more. i don't *want* to be published, therefore i wont be...that doesn't make me a bad writer in ANY sense...and i have tried reading your work before whim, i got bored out of my mind (i believe it was when you said to read it a few months ago on you "i hate whim" wiki) in anycase, you don't like my writing, i didn't like yours, so why do you have such a problem with me?

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i don't *want* lots of readers...i'm happy with the few hundred i have. rather have a few good readers and reviewers than a lot of bad ones..............quality over quantity

2005-05-22 [Whim]: it should be obvious by this point--I just like pissing you off and I'm writing as we speak. These words. This is me writing. This is me weaving a story. This is a character. You're a character. Silenced-Crowe over there is a character.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: *feels proud* Hmm, I've read half of your biography Raine, and a little of your story Whim. In my opinion, both of your stories are good I think.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: well, if you are trying to piss me off you're would know if i were "pissed" since i'm not "pissed" often. i like my writing, so i write. that's it. i will never be satisfide enough with it to ever publish, so i wont. that's it

2005-05-22 [Whim]: I write and try to publish things constantly. I consider half my comments on EP and ET to be works of art. These characters I invent for myself and the characters I control and develop vicariously through EP and ET members.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: .............................

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: we all need a hobby i suppose. Ep is just an escape for me. where i don't have to be a character like i am in the rest of my just make my stay a little less enjoyable…but, with my life, I can never expect any good thing to last too long….if it does I know it is I lie then

2005-05-22 [FireGypsy]: *stands in a corner with a look of interest on her face as they bicker*

2005-05-22 [Whim]: It's really good for character study to judge the reactions of folks.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: *stares silently from perch on headstone*

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i do that all day long while at school...i just watch other people interact...i take notes on them...makes writing realistic characters easier

2005-05-22 [Whim]: I don't always want realistic characters. I just want believable characters.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i like realism…even when dealing completely with fiction I what it to feel like it COULD be real

2005-05-22 [Whim]: that's the literal definition of believable.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: .......................................I love watching stuff like this...............................

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: you like watching whim and me talk? why? this is boring the fudge out of me

2005-05-22 [Whim]: Well, it's interesting how it went from a heated, insulting debate to whatever the hell this is with the simple snap of someone's fingers.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: I'm taling about the debate, now it's getting boring, but earlier it was interesting to see how each of you get your ideas for writing.

2005-05-22 [Whim]: Oh, that. I get my ideas from building off of something funny, since I'm a comedy writer and all.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: talking to whim is like beating your head against a brick wall

2005-05-22 [Whim]: That's actually gotta be somewhat exciting in a masochistic way.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: It hurts like hell or it's completely pointless?

2005-05-22 [Whim]: Rainedop thinks I'm masochistically exciting. That's gotta be a good compliment coming from a goth girl like her...hehe.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: I remember a debate I had with you Whim a while back. That was the stupidest one ever.

2005-05-22 [Whim]: What was it about? I'm capable of debating over absolutely anything. Sometimes it's good stuff.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: About me cutting my wrists and carving things into my body. It took up like 8 freakin pages I think.

2005-05-22 [Whim]: oh yeah...I was totally right too.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: Not totally, but mostly.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: No one is ever fully correct, exceot God of course.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i'm not a masochist whim...eww...and remember, i'm only 87% goth.....and i meant it is like beating your head against a wall in a pointless way...meaning you're too thick to reach so efforts are wasted

2005-05-22 [Whim]: and thoroughly.

2005-05-22 [Whim]: you're any better, rainedrop. If I'm as thick headed as a brick wall, you're as thick headed as a block of steel.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: my cat Raine is pawing at my screen, trying to dig threw it to get at my curser...*giggles*

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: and i'm stubborn because i believe in things whim., are stubborn just to piss people off (you admitted to that yourself) so it's hardly the same thing

2005-05-22 [Whim]: I believe in things and not EVERYTHING I say is simply to piss people off. When it comes to certain debates, I'm usually saying what I truly believe, even if I am saying it in such a way that's meant to stir up the crowd.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: *ponders* Whats a Masochist *feels blonde*

2005-05-22 [Whim]: Someone who purposely harms themselves.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: Someone who derives pleasure from pain

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: So.......would that be me since I cut myself, or are yall (<hick Texas accent) referring to something else?

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: usually, when someone is refferd to as a masochist they cause themselves pain, not because they are depressed, but because they LIKE the's a turn on...masochism has to do with sex and, like, S+M sex and stuff...

2005-05-22 [Whim]: well, by my definition--which, admittedly, isn't the exact definition--yes, you are. By rainedrop's definition--which is closer to the exact definition--you're a masochist if you enjoy it or if it makes you feel better in any way.

2005-05-22 [Whim]: masochism doesn't always have to do with sex and sexual pleasure. It could be from depression, if the pain is caused to lighten the depression or something like that. I suppose if it's more of a suicidal type thing where you're actually hating yourself to the point where you want to cause harm to yourself, then that's probably something different.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: masochism has always been used in relation to sex though whim. i have NEVER seen it used in any other way. always having to do with enjoying the pain in an unnatural way...ways that revolve around sexual excitment

2005-05-22 [Whim]: no, you've never heard it used any other way because depressed people don't want to admit that they're masochists for cutting themselves. The word is usually used by people who use it in sex cause masochism is a cool sounding word that makes them sound kinkier and kinky is hip, but being open about cutting is not hip.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: actually, sad as it is, saying you are a cutter, like saying you are "bi" is the new "hip" thing....

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: Well, I don't enjoy pain, and I am a virgin and plan to be one till my wedding night, and I don't really like mixing those 2, so I don't think I'm a Masochist.

2005-05-22 [FireGypsy]: lol you guys are awesome! I love you both! Keep going, some of this stuff is actually entertaining!

2005-05-22 [Whim]: no, they admit to being cutters for sympathy. Getting sympathy is hip. Cutting is hip. But admitting to be a cutter is not hip. The hip thing to do is cut and then hide it and then when someone finds out, you act all sad about it and then pour your heart out for attention.

2005-05-22 [Whim]: If you don't enjoy the pain at all and get no relief from it, then you're not a masochist, Crowe.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: Masochist- noun…someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment………..Antonyms: sadist - someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others

2005-05-22 [Whim]: there ya go. right there in the definition. No sex in that definition at all. If they enjoy cutting themselves, that's pleasure--doesn't have to be sexual.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: I'm lost in this conversation again.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: that is where the sexual part comes in with S+M...sexual punishment...that was the first deffinition...there were some others but the first one was most unspecific...someone who cuts because of depression is not a masochist because they don't feel "pleasure" from it, maybe reliefe, maybe attention, but they are not the same thing.......Adj. 1. masochistic - deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from being abused or dominated....Noun 1. masochism - sexual pleasure obtained from receiving punishment (physical or psychological)

2005-05-22 [Whim]: relief is a route to pleasure. If you're relieved, you feel more pleasure than you did before the relief. So yes, relief is a type of pleasure. Also--and perhaps this is a stretch--but people who seek attention usually get pleasure from that attention, so if they cut for attention, they're cutting for the pleasure that comes with that attention.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: I could see how a Masochist could be taken sexually now.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: you are fishing whim, you can't save your argument so let it drop. masochism has to do with sexual gradification and pain...the definitions are clear enough

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: I have to agree with Raine, yout straying fromt he point Whim. Cutting and sexual pleasure are 2 different things, someone who enjoys cutting, is just plain psycho. Someone who enjoys sexual pain, get the idea.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: if someone cuts because they enjoy it, like the pain, do it because they want the pain, not beaunce they want the attention, then you can say they are a masochist...but that is as far a reach as you can get with masochism whim

2005-05-22 [Whim]: I'm not fishing. And in that "1." definition, it was "pleasure or sexual gratifaction." If it meant SEXUAL pleasure, it would have said "sexual pleasure or gratification." It's exactly as I said--it's associated with sex more often, but cutting for any kind of pleasure is still masochism.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: and like *i* said, if they cut because the PHYSICAL pain gives them pleasure, then they are masochist...if they get emothional pleasure then they are NOT, they are just humans...humans get pleasure from attention, that doesn't make us masochists....if they actual cut itself is what gives you pleasure, then you are's that simple whim. like i said, you are fishing

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: .............................

2005-05-22 [Whim]: Actually, people can be considered masochists if they are emotionally abused and enjoy it as well. And emotional pleasure is still pleasure. No where in that definition does it say that the pleasure has to be physical pleasure.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: the only time it is considered masochism and it is not physical pain, is when it is psychological's still pain like the feeling of pain...if you pysically cut because you like the physical pain you are a masochit, if you like being psychologically abused because you like that sort of pain, you are a masochist...if you cut yourself (even though it hurts) so you get attention so you feel BETTER you are NOT a masochist......all revolves around were talking about *physical* cutting, therefore we were talking about *physical* pain...

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: You know, that banner in your house RD that says "Stupidity should be painful.." could be considered Masochist is you look at from the point of view of someone who likes being stupid.

2005-05-22 [Whim]: I was talking about physical cutting, physical pain, and ANY kind of pleasure because that's masochism. And I did say that cutting for attention was a stretch, did I not? When I said it was a stretch, I meant that it's debatable that it works, meaning that I don't entirely think that myself, although if the definition were to be taken broad enough, really EVERYONE is a masochist sometimes.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! i couldn't say...i guess if they were stupid *just because* they want to be punished, then i would say yes...but if being punished was just a byproduct of their stupidity then i would say no..if anything, it just shows that I’m a "sadist"

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: you're just strtching an already generalized definition whim.

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: Lolol, it took me a few minutes of thinking when I saw that banner, then it hit me and I thought of this debate going one. Whats a Sadist again? I forgot.

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: sadist - someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others..........not sure how much pleasure i get from beating the crap oit of idiots, but it leaves me satisfied...(^_^)

2005-05-22 [iCh3wi]: Yup, you would enjoy that Raine. lololol =^_^=

2005-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: lol

2005-05-22 [Katherine]: *yawns* so this argument is getting us nowhere. pain is fun. not all cutters do it for attention, more for pleasure. take me for example, i cut to feed others. and it feels nice. no attention involved ^^

2005-05-22 [*_*]: whats up all

2005-05-23 [iCh3wi]: You always say that nuka, lol

2005-05-23 [*_*]: so what i cant think of anything tosay

2005-05-23 [Katherine]: lol. its a nice conversation starter ^^ im rather super actually, and yourselves?

2005-05-23 [iCh3wi]: I wasn't being mean, just saying it. Anyways, I really want a llama.

2005-05-23 [*_*]: hey all go to

free mp3's

i am pputing new stuff in if u all hellp that would be nice thxs and say hi put your in put in please

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: nymphette you do realize that sharing blood is very BAD right?

2005-05-24 [Whim]: Rainedrop...what's the name of this wiki?

2005-05-24 [*_*]: GO to free mp3's

2005-05-24 [iCh3wi]: umm, i think we know already.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: bloodletting is BAD for you...digesting blood is bad for you....and this wiki teaches AGAINST such steriotypes of Vampires needing blood and that all being media BS....nymphette is just being stupid to sound cool

2005-05-24 [Whim]: this wiki teaches against the stereotypes that vampires of immortal, evil, and other such mythical things. It quite clearly speaks about the accepted existance of "vampires" who share blood to get extra energy.

2005-05-24 [Whim]: Did you not read that bit about sanguine vampires?

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: i skimmed the page...i think it's all BS, i'm only a member because my friend owns the page

2005-05-24 [Whim]: you apparently didn't skim enough to catch what the page is actually talking It's saying that vampires exist in the sense that there are humans who have a desire to take in blood--as well as psychic energy in the case of psychic vampires. It says that "real" vampires are not immortal, do not NEED blood to survive, are not killed by sunlight or repelled by garlic and crosses, but they do still feed off the living--provided the living are willing.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: i read all that part yes...and i still think it's all BS...people who drink blood need to be shot in the face for being retarded and sick

2005-05-24 [Whim]: ok, so the question is--why directly point out nymphette with your comment? Probably no less than half the members on that list feel the desire to consume human blood. In fact, I personally think that list implies that you are a vampire for being on it. And according to this wiki, that implies that if you are on that list, you either wish to consume blood or pyschic energy.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: or that you simply believe in vampires, or you think vampires are cool, or you are a gothic reject who (if their parents didn't keep taking away their black lipstick) would pretend to be Vampires....i pointed out Nymphette in my comment because she said in her comment she "cuts to feed others"

2005-05-24 [Whim]: but you're in a wiki that's obviously full of people who believe differently from you. Ignoring the fact that you're out of your element--as well as your territory--it's also weird that you would single out nymphette in a room full of people who think she's justified or share her enjoyment of blood sharing.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: she is the one that spoke up, i was responding to her comment, nothing more...i don't have time to criticize every member of this retarded wiki, so i just respond to the ones that come up

2005-05-24 [Whim]: Why are you attacking this wiki?

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: because i'm bored, i'm tired, i'm in a pissy mood, and i genuinely dislike this wiki

2005-05-24 [Whim]: Just seems a bit hypocritical to me.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: how is it hypocritical? if i drank blood or played myself off to be a Vampire then put down this wiki it would be just hating the wiki is just my own preferance

2005-05-24 [Whim]: no...the hypocritical bit comes in when you think about all the "flamers" you've kicked out of your wikis and here you are now attacking this wiki without being provoked.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: oh, i'm not attacking the wiki, just voicing an opinion that the members are losers...nothing short of something you haven't done on countless occasions on your own, so don't cast stones.

2005-05-24 [Whim]: I don't kick people out of my wikis for doing the same though...hehe. I'm not the hypocrit. I welcome all who wish to oppose me.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: i only kick out people from my one wiki, just because of the nature of the wiki and the fact that it is an opinion wiki, where there is high conflict anyways...i kick people out to avoid *real* problems...i have never kicked someone out of any other wiki for anything short of deleting my wikis...and i don't kick people out for having opinions...i encurage them most of the time....and you go to wikis, insulting people, for the hell of it, because you enjoy it, so like i said, you have no high-place to stand on

2005-05-24 [Whim]: This wiki is of the same nature as your one wiki. this is an opinion wiki. You don't like when people come onto your wiki saying that straight people should be shot in the face, do you? You get annoyed when people are constantly saying that straight people who don't like homosexuals are stupid, right? This is no different. The only difference is that you happen to not agree with these people, so you see no reason why they should be entitled to roam here peacefully just as you wish to roam in your wiki peacefully.

2005-05-24 [iCh3wi]: *watches silently from perch on headstone*

2005-05-24 [Whim]: And yes, I do insult people for the hell of it. But I have never once told anyone to stop insulting me. I've never once taken measures to kick a person out or silence them in any way. I both encourage and handle these problems with ease.

2005-05-24 [iCh3wi]: Lolol, silence, silenced crowe, lol, thats funny to me.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: this isn't an opinion wiki, it's a fictional wiki...stories made up to appease the masses of goth-wanna-be's pathetic, and i voiced my opinion on it...if they don't like it, they can accept it...they have their opinions, i can't change them,, but i let mine known. i have never kicked anyone out of my wiki because they voiced their opinion, only if they started a fight about it....i didn't start a fight, but it looks like you are trying drop it whim.

2005-05-24 [iCh3wi]: *watches silently from perch on headstone*

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: is that all you *ever* say Richard? sounds overly steriotypically gothic vampire to out, some REAL vampyr my get *offended*!!!

2005-05-24 [Whim]: You said some fight starting things. The "people who think they are vampires should be shot in the face" comment was one. Then there's the one where you call them losers...hehe. You can justify your behavior all you like, but we can all see through you. You're far too shallow to be complicated...hehe.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: i say alot of things should be shot in the face...actually, i just told my dad my cat should be "shot in the face" as well as the apple i was's one of the things i say...and they are "losers" as is my stated opinion. you can pick a fight with me all you want, but i stand by what i said. people who believe in "Vampyr" are losers.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: actually, i'm overly complicated. online i show only 2 sides of myself. they are the easiest to express.

2005-05-24 [iCh3wi]: Sheesh, sorry for trying to have an imagination.

2005-05-24 [Whim]: uh-huh. Are you gonna keep trying to BS me? And you say arguing with ME is like banging your head against a brick wall? Damn, you're such a hypocrit in so many ways.

2005-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: maybe i am...but, you are too, so i don't really care...and what am i BSing you with? you lost me....

2005-05-24 [iCh3wi]: ...............................................

2005-05-24 [Whim]: How am I a hypocrit? I really want to hear your BS answer for this...hehe.

2005-05-24 [FireGypsy]: honestly, saying that people who think they are vampires should be shot in the fact is like saying people who think they are goth should be shot in the face or people who think they are hippies should be shot in the face. Its just a label just like everything else. Just because some people have a weird fetish you dont think is "realistic" doesnt mean you have to put them down. So what if some people drink blood...... There are some people out the that take 12 hours to get dressed in the morning in all black and black makeup and piercings all over. I dont find that very realistic. More like moronicism. Take 2 minutes, throw a pair of jeans on, a bra and a shirt, and your ready to go.

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